Wednesday, April 21, 2010

It's snowing.......

I have been sitting here in my room at the computer reading and typing for the last hour.  It has been steadily raining.  I have high a beamed ceiling in my bedroom, meaning that any sound that occurs on the roof, I can hear very clearly.  A few minutes ago, things went silent and I looked out of the window.  Sure enough, it was snowing.  It is hard to believe that just a couple of days ago it was warm enough outside that Jackie had on a bathing suit and was playing with her water table. This is all very typical spring time in the mountains.  And yet, it is such a reminder of God's presence in even the smallest of events that occur each day.  I need to remember He is in charge of everything.

Jackie LOVES the snow!

Mmmmmmmm yummy!

The dogwood tree has endured much worse than this. 


  1. Oh my gosh, what crazy weather! I wish I were up in the mountains right now too!! Do you live near Lake Gregory?

  2. Oh I love these pics. How fun for Jackie. SURELY this is the last of this for the season..I personally love a spring time rain. Even though it is REALLY cold, it still has a different "feel" about it than a winter storm. I'll talk to later on today I'm sure...
