Monday, April 19, 2010

A few items.......

Today Sissy is 5 months old!  It is unbelievable that time is going by so very fast.  She is almost rolling from her back to her front.  She smiles and coos all of the time and has even started laughing.  Jackie was jumping around quite wildly and then making faces on Sunday and Sissy was literally gasping with laughter.  It was adorable!

The weather was so nice on Sunday, that Jackie talked her mother into bringing the water table up.

She was in her glory!

Soooo pretty

Quite contented.

Here is a closeup of the buds on our dogwood tree, which will be covered in white flowers very soon.

Here is a full view of the tree from the deck.

After she hung the curtains for the baby's room, Min decided that they looked a little boyish.  I sewed some white eyelet across the bottom, but it still wasn't enough of a girlie feel.  So, I took them down and added a few items and here are the results.


  1. That little Jackie looks like she can have fun anywhere. Always smiling too! Love it. The baby is getting so big. Love the additions to the curtains. That surely did the trick. Pink and rick rack, and buttoms were perfect embellishments.

  2. Oh my goodness, Priscilla's eyes are soo pretty..she is just growing soo fast. I was just looking yesterday at the pics of her when she waas born. and now she is already 5 months!! Jackie looks really good in these pics too, and oh how I'd love to have some of those dogwood trees. The curtains are perfect now. The pink rick rack and then the pink buttons, what a good idea. Praying for you ya later. = )

  3. Hi Diane,
    I always enjoy reading your comments on my blog. People have said that they could see their breath in my house too!! So I had to laugh when I read that. Greg has even been seen sitting out here on the sofa with a flapcap on while watching telly. And we joke about needing nose socks too!! Ha ha....wimpy men!!
