Thursday, May 28, 2009

I need a good night of sleep......

I am still awake, tho' somewhat tired. I had a horrid night of sleep last night. I was wide awake for and hour and a half in the middle of the night. The really bad kind of awake, where you are dwelling on any and everything that could possibly cause tension......... " Why didn't we save more money? Should I look for a job? How will the Chrysler bankruptcy affect us? Why haven't I gone to the dentist? Will I ever stop eating and get on to the diet for good?" Get the picture? Bad dwelling. I woke up this morning early (of course!) and the first thing I did was to check on the canaries. The tiny little guy I have been worrying about, was dead in the nest. Sad start to the day. I haven't told Jackie yet. My day was pretty busy. I cleaned the house and worked at Jackie's school. Min and Scott went to a meeting tonight, so it was just Jackie and I for dinner and homework. She is asleep and I have just finished working on my Bible Study for tomorrow. I am trying to unwind and slow down to induce a good night of sleep. Greg just got home and told me he talked to his brother, Jeff today. He has been promoted to Chief of Police on Catalina Island. It is a 2 year stint, after which he will return to the mainland with the rank of Captain. He will receive a housing allowance, so that will allow him to keep his house in Yorba Linda. They plan to come back home every other weekend. This is just the kind of story that will help me relax and get right to sleep, I just know it.............


  1. ALRIGHTY then.....I guess some people just keep on rolling....haha and yet, I bet he'd give it all back to have the relationship with his kids that you and Greg have.....Hope you slept well Di....

  2. I can't stand this stupid economy. Everyone I know is hurting and suffering and broke and I'm getting so sick of it I'm practically ready to rob a bank.

  3. I can relate to sleep issues now, I have been having annoying work dreams lately. Sleep is so critical. As far as Greg's brother Jeff, we all know what he left and the price he paid. Who knows what waits in his future, or anyone's for that matter. The older I get, the more I realize what is truly important in life.
