Sunday, May 3, 2009

Happy Anniversary to Us!

34 years ago today Greg and I were married. To look at that number it seems unbelievable that we have been together for that long. I am sitting here waiting for him to get up so we can start off our day by going to the lake to fish. We had thought long and hard about how we would like to spend the day and we both agreed that fishing would be perfect. Some of the most enjoyable times we have had together as a couple have been spent doing just that. Our very first family vacation, when Michelle was only 2 years old, was spent fishing in the Sierra's. We have spent innumerable summer vacations in the exact same way. We are planning to go again this summer with Michelle and her family. Every year when Michelle was little we would take her picture on the horse swing by June Lake. We are all looking forward to taking Jackie's picture on that swing this summer.

I have been thinking back over the years and all that we have been thru together. The ups and downs of life have truly brought us closer together. Soooo many events have occurred during these years. It makes me think of a movie Deb and I saw years ago. A mother is talking to her son and daughter-in-law, who are on the brink of divorce. They are all at a wedding reception and she is pointing out various family members. She then tells some wild, war story of what they have gone thru in their marriages and then finishes it off with, "and they're still together!" We are one of the lucky couples who can say the same thing!

I am blessed beyond belief to have spent my life with Greg. We have been thru so many things both good and bad. We have a beautiful daughter who has made our life complete. She is by far our shining moment! Now we have her, our wonderful son-in-law and our beautiful grandchildren to bless the rest of our lives. I thank God on my anniversary for all He has given me ........


  1. CONGRATULATIONS TO YOU BOTH!!! And if anyone knows of how wonderous it is to have made it 34 years it's me....we've have all grown up together, cuz let's face it we were mere babies when we started out...haha I can't tell you truly happy I am for you that you have had someone right there to share life's up's and downs with...who so obviously loves you to this day.....may you know MANY MANY more.....

  2. I forgot to say, the pic is darling and the song is a fun on the day!!

  3. Congratulations Di and Greg. What a blessing to have spent a lifetime together. I am truly so happy for you both and for your family. The song was perfect and your day sounds perfect as well.
