Sunday, March 1, 2009

A Day in the Life......

This is the fourth time I have started this post. I have been doing dishes, cooking dinner, putting groceries away, looking for some microscopic horses of Jackie's, picking up a dog gut pit, and trying to type this all at the same time, it seems. How I long to be that in control woman quietly doing her chores, humming softly to herself as she goes. When everything is all done and settled for the night she comes to the computer to read, chuckle as she gives a knowing nod, and type helpful hints to others. Instead, as I arrive home from shopping and seeing a movie, I pole vault into the room where the computer is. (I need to see if there is anything new on the blog before I can begin my nightly chores.) During my absence the dog has strung my crocheting all over the room and chewed a hole in my pajamas. My newest book has been reduced to confetti and a cup of coffee I left on the nightstand has been spilled. The dishes are still on the kitchen counter where I left them this morning, when I had to leave in a hurry, because I had lost track of time. Dinner ends up being a hodgepodge dig from the fridge. I am sure I had some sort of a point when I started this but, in keeping with my feel on this day I can't remember what it was...........


  1. hahaha I checked on here right before I went to bed and found this most amusing post. It's sooo me too.....Any minute I am going to be Ma from Little House on the Praraie, but find that I remain Roseane....hahaha

  2. First of all, let's comment on mom spelling it "praraie"... hahahahaha....
    yes I know it must be hard for the two of you. I on the other hand, am up, showered and dressed, dishes done, laundry going, with a scented candle burning softly on the kitchen counter. Gling!!!! Perhaps I'll head out to the barn to churn some butter and get some fresh milk to make Mike some breakfast. Then I'll begin sewing our new clothes.

  3. MLOL Melody! Di, I think I learned my house skills from you. I walk around looking at what needs to be done, but too overwhelmed to actually fix it. At the most I may walk by something on my way to the fridge and perform a quick Q-tipping as long as I don't have to vere of course too far. But without a doubt my best function is sitting on the couch paralyzed! Hoping no-one calls with anything to overwhelming and draining that I might have to dwell on or God forbid "do something about" or worse yet I have to actually get up from the couch to find a phone which then would require a full "rest" back on the bed.

  4. i hate housework...I remember growing up, me, the boys and mom would put all the chores in a basket and then would take turns picking them out...we'd each end up with about 6 or so jobs each....HOWEVER...after we had finished picking we'd sit at the coffee table for a GOOD couple hours trading and arranging out chores that nothing ever really got finished til practicaly midnight. I presented this idea to my roommates and they looked at me like I had 5 heads.

  5. We used pick for the chores when we were kids and I loved it. There was always the hope that you would somehow skate by with the easiest load.
